Case Studies

Recent Projects

West Tytherley, Hampshire - House Extension: We conducted a bat survey on a home which our client wished to extend. A serotine maternity roost was recorded in the loft of the house. We subsequently designed a Method Statement in order to avoid disturbing the bats during the works. This approach also avoided the client having to obtain a bat mitigation licence, which can add significant delays to projects. Our Method Statement was approved by the county ecologist at the planning authority.

Green Lane, Devizes, Wiltshire – Recreation & Sports Ground: We designed mitigation for all four of the UK's rare Annex II bat species that are also known to be light-averse (barbastelle, Bechstein’s, lesser horseshoe and greater horseshoe). This involved conducting bat activity surveys to find out which parts of the site the bats tended to use, helping design the lighting plan for a flood-lit 3G pitch and designing a hedge planting scheme. Our report, which was a main focus of the planning application due to the site's ecological sensitivity, was approved for planning.

Rooksmoor SAC, Sturminster Newton, Dorset – Utilities Cable: We prepared a Habitats Regulations Assessment Screening Report for an underground electricity cable to be routed through the SAC. This also involved a botanical and marsh fritillary surveys - as this is what the SAC is designated for. Our report was approved by the water board and Natural England.

Salisbury, Wiltshire - Care Home: We designed a bat and reptile mitigation strategy for a proposed care home, which was approved by the planning authority.

Serotine bat droppings indicating a maternity roost

Slow-worms observed during reptile surveys in Salisbury

Botanical survey at Rooksmoor SAC